30 Day Shred!

Good Evening everyone! I hope you all have had a great weekend 🙂

My weekend was very fun. Friday night I drove my brother to baseball practice; the team had to find a new place to practice temporarily because the bubble where we normally have practice collapsed because of all the snow! This also means that I can’t do my workouts with the team for now 😦 That makes me upset but I don’t think the boys are too sad about it.

Saturday morning I cleaned my room and was really motivated to go for a run. I went for a run and I ran 6 MILES!! Whoa! I did it in about 57 minutes so honestly, that was fine with me! I felt really really good throughout the whole run. After I got home, sat down and tried to stand up again, my legs were super stiff and really tight. But, it felt really good 🙂

Today, I have started Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred and just after the first day I absolutely love it! I took my measurements so we will see by the end of the 30 days how much changes. I’m not really looking to lose any weight… I just want to see what happens; if anything I can only get stronger so there really is no downside!

Have you tried the 30 Day Shred? Let me know!


Have a great night everybody! 🙂


(Here are two of my favorite pictures, just for fun :)) 




Baseball and a Quick Workout

Hello everyone! I hope you all have had a great day 🙂

Today I went to visit some family, which is always a great time 🙂 After the visit, my parents, my brother and I headed to my brother’s baseball practice. He practices at a “bubble.” Because of how cold it is and that fact that it gets dark so fast, baseball teams can’t practice outside! So they practice at this indoor facility that is honestly the coolest thing. It’s a great place to go to workout, too! There is a gym area, basketball courts, tennis courts, batting cages, and a turf area for soccer and baseball! It’s very very cool 🙂

Tonight I did an ab workout with the team, along with a short arms and legs workout. The bubble is always really chilly (like, 45 degrees chilly!) so I didn’t really sweat that much doing this workout but I’m sure if I was in my basement doing this is would have been sweatin’ up a storm!

Here’s the workout!

Abs! – 50/10  X2

1. Knee tucks
2. Bicycles
3. Reverse crunches
4. V-rock
5. Crucifix
6. Supermans

Arms & Legs – 50/10 X2

1. Walking pushups
2. Calf raises
3. Stagger (Jump) pushups
4. 2 shuffles, 2 squat jumps 


I’m not sure how much the boys actually like doing these workouts, but they are definitely helping them. They may hate me now but they’ll thank me later 🙂

Now I’m off to have some peanut butter and vanilla yogurt (I seriously think I’m addicted to this stuff…) 

Have a great night everyone! 🙂